Donations & Community Support
Our orchestra relies entirely on community donations and grants to present our free concerts. As we do not charge either audience for attending, or musicians for playing in the orchestra, donations are a essential for us to continue to perform.
We've been honored to receive generous donations in the past and also rely on our community to support us with grants and sponsorships.
Please consider donating any amount, large or small, as every dollar helps. Here are some suggested donations:
Give any amount to support general costs
Support a single piece of music: $200
Contribute to the WCYO Music Fund: $500
Sponsor Radio Spots (6) on All Classical 89.9 for One Concert: $300
Sponsor the Design and Printing of Concert Programs for One Concert: $500
Give $250 for scholarships
You are now eligible for Oregons Cultural Tax Credit. Click here to learn more.
WCYO is Part of the Oregon Cultural Trust
Did you know that by donating to us, you become eligible to direct your taxes to support nonprofits across the state? Learn more about this amazing benefit at
Here’s an extra reason to support us this year! When you give to us and the Cultural Trust by Dec. 31, you’re eligible for a deduction AND a state tax credit. Learn more at
If you need another reason to support us this year, here’s one: because we are Cultural Trust-qualified, when you donate to us you unlock the opportunity to support cultural nonprofits across Oregon for FREE through a tax credit. Learn more at